An app to help you finally ‘get’ French numbers

Hey, I wrote an app. It was originally just for me, but I realized it might be of use to others. It’s basically a number recognition drill, similar to flash cards, but more versatile and fun. The object is to say or think the random number shown by the app before the next one is shown. You can vary the number format, drill speed, and font. It can be used by students of any language, not just French.

I think that many French language learners coming from English have a problem with their speed recognizing certain ranges of French numbers, specifically the numbers 70 through 99. I still am slow at this. You know what I mean: “wait a minute, ninety-seven is four twenty ten seven? argh!”. Here’s the app in action:

Get it on Google Play

Numerus will run in either English or French, depending on your device’s language setting.

If you end up using the app, please feel free to let me know what features you’d like to see. It’s Android-only for now, but an iOS version is planned.

Numerus: an app to help you finally conquer French numbers

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